If You Break the Skin, You Must Come In

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


roughcut v1.0

I finished the first rough cut on the film and yesterday Zoe, Johanna and Elyse from the ICA, Jared Martin from the Big Picture Alliance and myself sat down and watched it. All but myself had not seen it at all so I'm sure for the most part watching this project as a feature length documentary was a pretty interesting experience.
I would charcaterize the feedback as being generally very positive. The biggest question that was up in the air for everyone before the viewing was whether what we did and what we shot was worthy of a feature length film or whether it should remain the short, less comlpex piece as was originally planned. I fully understand what I could read as an air of scepticism. But, I would also have to say that I was pretty confident that what I had planned would work as a feature and although some people were rightly anxious, I felt and feel fairly positive that in the end they will be glad that I did not bother giving their anxiety too much worry.
I am happy to note that after the viewing of the rough cut, everyone is on board and this will truly be the feature length documentary that I saw it as.
The next hurtle is getting the next version finished with all the nessessary changes, additions and subtractions based on everyone's fine suggestions ready by December 29th for entry into the Philadelphia Film Festival.
I am recharged now and ready to take that on.

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